

 ACT 1 :   MY UNDERSTANDING ABOUT MULTIMEDIA  D E F I N I N G  M U L T I M E D I A There are many definitions of multimedia in the internet nowadays but in general - it is the use of computer ( and other similar devices ) to present and combine one or more media . To be precise , it is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics, drawings, images, audio, animations and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, and communicate. When all of these resources are combined , like the aforementioned statement from the above paragraph , interaction / interactive applications will be produced . Interactivity is the fundamenta l feature of multimedia - as it allows the content to be presented in a nonlinear way , which allows the reader ( or user ) to be active rather than passive .   It is the user who will determine what content should be delivered, when, and how would it be delivered .                                             Image Source