D E F I N I N G  M U L T I M E D I A

There are many definitions of multimedia in the internet nowadays but in general - it is the use of computer ( and other similar devices ) to present and combine one or more media. To be precise, it is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics, drawings, images, audio, animations and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, and communicate.

When all of these resources are combined, like the aforementioned statement from the above paragraph, interaction/interactive applications will be produced.

Interactivity is the fundamental feature of multimedia - as it allows the content to be presented in a nonlinear way, which allows the reader ( or user ) to be active rather than passive. 

It is the user who will determine what content should be delivered, when, and how would it be delivered.

                                           Image Source

The image above shows the different types of multimedia and its functions. It also indicates that multimedia can be used in the business, schools, home, public places and even virtual reality. You may have seen some of these things around you. 

T Y P E S  O F  M U L T I M E D I A

A. Text and Graphics - Slideshows, Presentations, Diagrams, and Infographics.

B. Audio - Music Stations and Radio Stations.

C. Video - Film, Movies, Video Clips and TV Shows.

D. Animations - Hand drawn, 2D, 3D, Motion Graphics and Stop Motion.

E. Games - Online Games, Offline Games

F. Websites - Webinars and Online meetings, Blogs and Interactive contents.

G. Others - Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Holograms.

S O M E  E X A M P L E S

*  The Merchants Archives - a website that I made last month based ( and inspired by ) on The Wanderers' Library of the SCP wiki - and used for school purposes.

Meine Leidenschaften und Hobbys - a profile website about my passions and hobbies that I also made last month for school purposes.


Usually depends on what multimedia - related stuff that I am doing. For example, watching a film ( films are an example of a multimedia ). Though, in this case, lets talk about the aforementioned websites from above. I created both websites by following some instructions ( Most WSYIWYG platforms has examples and  templates ). Some of it involves copy -pasting and arranging pictures - which in itself is a form/type of multimedia.


Multimedia plays an important role in today's society.

 Multimedia is anything and everything that you watch and listen - it is graphics, audio, sound, text and so on. We can also control and interact with it, depending on our needs.

One of the many reasons why multimedia is significant is because it is useful for communication because you can talk to your peers clearly and it also helps us influence people. In addition, multimedia can be stored, transmitted, presented and perceived

As aforementioned above, multimedia plays an essential role in communication - it makes it easier for people to communicate with someone and understand what they say and it makes it easier to deliver what you want to say

It can also be used for other purposes :

* Entertainment ( e.g. animations, movies, games, videos and the like )

* Education ( e.g. presentations, infographics and other similar things )

And many more.

. . . . .

Multimedia - a very significant  part in our daily lives.


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